IVF Costs - In Vitro Fertilization Costs

On average, IVF cost of a basic IVF cycle in the U.S ranges from about
$12,000 - $15,000. Although some insurance companies cover IVF, often they don't.
When looking into the cost of IVF you will find that costs will vary depending on an individual's circumstance. Also, you will find that costs vary from one clinic to another. It is important to determine exactly what is included when you are given a quote for the cost of an IVF cycle.
Some examples of items that may, or may not, be included in the quote are:
- Fertility medications
- Initial tests
- Ultrasound and monitoring
- Blood work
Be sure to ask about any other items that might be needed but are not included in their quote.
Sometimes additional ART treatments are needed. If so, be sure to factor in those costs as well. Some examples of these are:
- ICSI (where a single sperm is injected directly into an egg) may be an additional $1,000 to $1,500)
- PGD, genetic testing of embryos, may be around $3,000 or more.
- Embryo freezing, including the initial freezing and storage, may cost an
additional few to several hundred dollars.
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Financial Options
Some IVF clinics offer IVF refund programs and financing to help reduce IVF costs. Here is a list of list of organizations offering financial options for fertility treatment.
IVF refund programs
Some clinics offer refund programs, for which you pay a set fee, usually between $20,000 and $30,000. The clinic will refund part your money if you do not get pregnant after three or four IVF treatment cycles. The terms vary from clinic to clinic, and not everyone qualifies.
It is very important to clarify what the clinic considers to be a successful cycle, before signing up for a refund program. A positive pregnancy test is not the same as taking home a baby. If the refund program considers a positive pregnancy test a success, and you have a miscarriage, then you will have lost your chance for the refund and another treatment cycle under the program.
Some IVF clinics offer financing through a third party provider.
Find out if your health insurance policy covers fertility procedures such as IVF. Even if it a procedure like IVF isn't covered, your insurance may cover fertility diagnostic procedures.
In either case, if you want to take advantage of your coverage, you must choose a doctor that is in your insurance plan.
You can read about state
infertility insurance laws to see how they pertain to you.
Consider the success rates
While price comparisons are important when choosing a fertility clinic, it is also very important to consider the clinic's success rates. If an IVF clinic offers very low-priced IVF, but their success rates are low, then multiple cycles might be needed to achieve a pregnancy. In this case selecting the cheaper clinic would not be the best decision.
Using frozen embryos
If you plan to use frozen embryos from a previous cycle, this is significantly cheaper than doing a complete IVF cycle with fresh embryos. The average cost for a frozen embryo transfer (FET), is about $3,000.
About Mini-IVF
Mini-IVF (also known as Micro-IVF, Soft-IVF, or Minimal Stimulation IVF) is a relatively new approach to fertility treatment. It uses lower doses of fertility drugs and involves less embryo monitoring prior to the transfer. It typically costs $5,000 - $7,000.
However, it is important to know that micro-IVF is not for everyone. It is better best suited for those looking to try IUI treatment. Also, with Mini-IVF, success rates are unclear.
Additional Information
How to Pay for Fertility Treatment - discusses average
costs, insurance, and organizations that can help
- IVF Loans: Financing Options for Fertility Treatment - discusses the cost of the IVF process, lists the financing options available for IVF treatment, and more