Natural Treatment of Infertility
Infertility treatments include acupuncture, fertility supplements, herbs, homeopathy, physical therapy, nutrition, yoga
At-Home Insemination
Fertility Supplements (Fairhaven Health) - Natural, doctor-designed supplements for women and men to help improve reproductive health. Advertisement
- How to
increase your chances of conceiving and preventing miscarriages -
discusses diet, the role of alcohol, supplements, herbs,
natural tests, and an action plan.
Influence of acupuncture on the pregnancy rate in patients who undergo
assisted reproduction therapy - this is the well-known "German
study" that shows the benefits of acupuncture on pregnancy rates in
patients who undergo assisted reproduction therapy
- Cervical Cap Insemination - uses a medical device to treat low sperm count, low sperm motility, hostile vaginal environment, tilted cervix, and unexplained infertility.