Vasectomy Reversal Cost directory of vasectomy reversal doctors


The cost of a vasectomy reversal includes the surgeon's fee which is generally $4,500 - $8,000 as well as the hospital and anesthesiologist's fees which, combined, range from $4,000 - $10,000. These are average costs but different hospitals, physicians and locations charge widely differing amounts. Costs can be higher in big cities where the overhead is higher than in rural areas. Vasectomy reversals are rarely covered by insurance.

You should contact a specialist near you and ask for a detailed listing of their fees. That is the best way for you to get a sense of what a vasectomy reversal will cost you in your area.

Although the costs may seem high, the alternatives may be more costly. The alternative is to obtain sperm from the husband (which can usually be frozen) combined with an IVF cycle for every attempt at a pregnancy. Studies have shown that, in most situations, vasectomy reversals are more cost effective.

When interviewing a vasectomy reversal doctor it is important to ask if they offer a fixed, all-inclusive price. Most high-volume vasectomy reversal centers offer a fixed price that includes all costs for the operating room, anesthesia, and surgeon's fees. Some doctors also offer a complimentary initial consultation, or at least they apply the fee for the initial office visit to the overall cost of the surgery.