Fertility and Infertility Photos and Pictures
This page contains links to Web pages that contain fertility and infertility photos and pictures. This page is divided into the following sections:- Embryo and Fetus Development
- A.R.T. Micromanipulation
- Tubal Reversal
- Miscellaneous
Embryo and Fetus Development
- Alpha Scientists
Embryology Images - This section of the site contains many excellent embryology photos.
- Developing Embryo
- Pictures of a developing embryo. (Stanford Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Center)
- The Visible Embryo -
excellent photos and explanation of embryo development
A.R.T. Micromanipulation
- Micromanipulation
- Pictures of ICSI and assisted hatching. (Stanford Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility Center)
- Embryo Biopsy
Procedure - a single cell (blastomere) is removed from a 7-cell
embryo to be analyzed in the laboratory
- Ultrasound - The site contains hundreds
of prenatal ultrasound articles, images, and videoclips. NOTE:
of the site may require advanced versions of browser plug-ins to properly
view the images. (TheFetus.net)
- Infertility Graphics - The glossary page contains pictures of GIFT, Assisted Hatching, IUI, and oocyte cryopreservation. (The Fertility Institutes)
Tubal Reversal
Fallopian Tube Anatomy and Tubal Ligation Methods - start on the main picture page and click on page
links, such as "Pomeroy technique" and "tubal rings and clips," for
additional pictures of tubal ligation procedures.
- Tubal Reversal Procedures - shows diagrams of microsurgical tubal anastomosis and microsurgical tubal implantation
- Photo Gallery -
Pictures of human blastocyst (embryo 5-6 days old), sperm
morphologies, chromosomes, ovaries, embryo biopsy; lots of photos. (University of Utah Andrology Microscopy Lab)