Web Advertising Versus Newspaper Advertising

Advertising on the Internet web offers numerous advantages over newspaper advertising, including:

  1. Users will be more highly qualified on the web, compared to newspapers. For example:
    • Prospective egg donors can be pre-qualified on the web, because you can show them your initial qualifications (e.g. need to have certain height/weight ratios) before they contact you. However, in a newspaper ad, you don't have space to say your pre-qualifications.
    • Prospective egg donors will be self selected, since they would probably have found your site from e.g. doing a keyword search on "egg donor" rather than find you ad in a newspaper classified for "jobs offered."
    • Prospective egg donors on the Internet would more likely have higher levels of intelligence and achievement as compared to readers of free "throw away" newspapers.
  2. Your website will provide lots of upfront assurances ("comfort factor") about who you are before the user even contacts you. You cannot do this in a newspaper ad.
  3. It's easier to attract international clients using the web, rather than using international newspaper ads.
  4. Internet user can find your information any time on the web. You don't have be concerned that they misplaced the newspaper. If they've bookmarked your site, they can come back to it, for example, three months later, and you don't have to pay for that traffic.
Quicklinks -
IHR Services for Fertility Organizationss
1. Promotion 2. Egg Donor Database