Infertility Book Promotion

Thanks for your interest in adding your infertility book to an IHR web page.

If You Have an Ad Budget

If you have an ad budget, you can advertise in the "Featured Books" section, on the following IHR pages. The charge is $25/month for each listing:

Book images must conform to these standards:

  • aspect ratio of about 1 (width) to 1.5 (height)
  • about 110 pixels (width) to 165 (height)
  • size of about 10 - 12 KB

If You Don't Have an Ad Budget

IHR does have our website where we do have pages of infertility books. However, we're not currently adding new book pages to Please feel free to email IHR your ISBN and we'll keep the information on file. When we do add new book pages to the site, we would add you book at that time.

Additional Information

Quicklinks -
IHR Services for Fertility Organizationss
1. Promotion 2. Egg Donor Database